MVI Field Services

Compliance Inspections

Compliance Inspections (UST & AST)

MVI Field Services offers inspections of both underground and above-ground storage tanks as required by local, state, and federal laws. MVI can customize inspection plans as needed, and all data is stored electronically and accessible to the client in real-time. MVI has a widespread presence, with Compliance Inspectors operating in 47 states.

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Compliance Inspections:

  • Spill Prevention Detection
  • Sump Inspection
  • Cathodic Protection Equipment
  • Skimmer Detection
  • Release Detection

AST Monthly and Annual Compliance Inspections:

  • Condition of Containment Structure
  • Dispenser Pans and Spill Container Inspections
  • Vent Inspections
  • Insulation Inspections

MVI Inspection Advantages:

  • MVI has conducted hundreds of thousands of inspections since 2009
  • Ability to customize inspection programs for clients
  • Use of proprietary software for electronic storage of inspection data and reporting
  • MVI inspectors are A/B certified, the majority in multiple states
  • Mobile team of inspectors and regional managers which allows for flexibility
  • Inspectors and managers work with “state-of-the-art” communication devices and handheld tablets to execute inspections and record data
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